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Capetown WUDC 2019 Country's Night

Debate Korea participated in the 2019 World Universities Debating Championship hosted in Capetown, South Africa and held an event to successfully attract participants at Korea WUDC 2021. We introduced Korean culture and increased interest by setting up a booth where participants could experience Korean food and traditional clothes. It was carried out under the sponsorship of the Korea Tourism Organization and

Gyeonggi Tourism Organization.

Discover Korea. 2022. All copyrights are reserved.

대표: 오상진  |  등록번호: 591-82-00370  | T 02-6949-4439 | M

경기도 성남시 분당구 판교역로192번길 16, 806호 에이249 

  • 회색 페이스 북 아이콘
  • 회색 인스 타 그램 아이콘
  • 회색 블로거 아이콘
  • 회색 유튜브 아이콘
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