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Tournament Outline

Tournament Name

KB  Tournament Indonesia 2023: Innovate KB!

Participant Eligibility

Current or incoming undergraduate and graduate students with Indonesian citizenship are eligible to apply.

* Registration for Indonesia league is individual based.

** Indonesian league will be held in English.

Preliminary Round Topic

  • Propose ideas to increase awareness and popularity of KB Financial Group in the Indonesian market.

  • Identify a weakness of KB Bukopin Bank in the Indonesian youth's perspective and propose corresponding solutions.

* Choose one of the topics above.

** Areas may include but are not limited to Branding, ESG, HR, Global, Digital, Products, Services, and etc.

Tournament Date and Venue


Tournament Format

The tournament consists of preliminary, main, and final rounds. In the preliminary rounds, 16
individuals will be selected based on their materials submitted during registration. These
individuals will later be grouped into teams of four, and contestants will compete in the main
and final rounds as a team.

- Prelimination: Solution proposal and video presentation

   ​* Registration information is accessible once you join the website and log in.

- Ideation Workshop & Elimination: Training camp for 2 nights and 3 days

- Semi Finals/Grand Final: Solveathon evaluation method

   ​* Topic and evaluation method is revealed on tournament day

솔버톤 평가방식


#1 Mission: Idea Battle

- Teams should submit their solution proposal video. 

- Round is evaluated by a panel of experts through online.

- Teams will debate in pairs: Team A and Team B.

- Each Solver must make at least one of the following speeches: Case Speech, Rebuttal Speech, and Closing Statement.

- All Solvers must speak at least once.

- All Solvers may speak during the cross-examination.

#2 Mission: Debate

#3 Mission: Defense

- Teams will be assigned into pairs: Team A and Team B. Each team will present its solution.

- Each team goes through two cross-examinations: one by their opposing team and another by a panel of judges.

- Conclude with each team’s Closing Statement.

- All Solvers must speak at least once.

* Refer to the tournament rule book for detailed evaluation criteria.

시상 혜택


* 본선 진출팀 전원 KB국민은행 입행 지원시 서류 전형 면제 혜택 제공 (대회 수료 후 5년 이내, 1회 한정)

Discover Korea. 2022. All copyrights are reserved.

대표: 오상진  |  등록번호: 591-82-00370  | T 02-6949-4439 | M

경기도 성남시 분당구 판교역로192번길 16, 806호 에이249 

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